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Realm of Darkness 20th

Realm of Darkness 20th




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World of Darkness 20th dice roller and Character tracker. Vampire the Masquerade, VtM, WtA, CtD, MtA, WtO, DtF


Official Website

Check out the Official Realm of Darkness Website for a list of all 20th edition commands and login for access to the online character tracker views.

Supported Games

  • Vampire: The Masquerade
    • Dice Roller
    • Character Trackers
  • Werewolf: The Apocalypse
    • Dice Roller
    • Character Trackers
  • Mage: The Ascension
    • Dice Roller
    • Character Trackers
  • Changeling: The Dreaming
    • Dice Roller
    • Character Trackers
  • Wraith: The Oblivion
    • Dice Roller
    • Character Trackers
  • Demon: The Fallen
    • Dice Roller
    • Character Trackers

Other Bots

5th Edition Bot

Chronicles of Darkness Bot

RoD Discord Server

Please join my server if you would like to try the bot, ask any questions about the bot or want to request new features. Then stick around for all the latest announcements and changes to the bot as well as discussions of changes and upcoming features.

Support my work

If you love the work I am doing and would like to help me make the best World of Darkness tools ever, then please conisder supporting me on Patreon. It really does help me out a lot!

As thanks to those who choose to support me the bot also comes with some Supporter only functions to personalize your experiance. Please see below for more details on this. 


Realm of Darkness 20th Edition

WoD 20th Dice Roller

  • Supports Botching and Botch dice. You can also turn this off if needed
  • Supports specialities (correctly handles removal by 1s with speciality tens.)
  • Supports guaranteed successes and guaranteed failures
  • Supports willpower use. Adds 1 automatic success and notes WP as being used
  • Displays all dice as emojis in the order they were rolled. As well as in text ordered for easy reading
  • Easy to read colour-coded output that tells you everything you need to know about the roll at a glance
  • Supports linking of tracked characters. This will automaticly remove willpower when used as well as display the characters name in the roll.
  • Supports Nightmare dice


The Command is /dice roll

Discord Slash commands walk you through what is required and all optional arguments.

WoD 20th Initiative Roll

  • Simple to use. Does all the Calculations for you. All you need to provide is your Wits+Dex


The command is /dice initiative

Discord Slash commands walk you through what is required and all optional arguments.

WoD 20th Initiative Tracker System

  • Tracks order of Initiative and Action Declarations
  • Handles ties correctly
  • Keeps the tracker at the bottom of the channel every time a command is used as well as deleting the old message to keep the channel from becoming cluttered
  • Pings users on their turn to declare an action
  • Easy to use design
  • Easy to read output that shows only the information you need to see
  • Supports multiple characters from one User
  • Supports multiple rounds and keeps track for you
  • Supports changing your roll before the reveal if you made a mistake


Commands as follows - [] are optional arguments
/init new - Creates a new tracker in a channel. (Only 1 tracker per channel at a time)
/init roll name dex+wits [modifier] - Rolls for Initiative for a specific character
/init declare action - Declares an action for your character on your turn.
/init reroll name - Rerolls the same dex+wits and modifer as your last turn.
/init repost - Repost the tracker at the bottom of the channel

Discord Slash commands walk you through what is required and all optional arguments.


General Roller

  • Supports up to 5 dice sets to be used in one roll
  • Supports modifiers
  • Supports difficulty


The command is /dice general

A dice set is defined as (x)d(y) where (x) is the number of dice and (y) is the number of sides. Eg 4d6 is four dice with six sides.

Discord Slash commands walk you through what is required and all optional arguments.

Character Tracker System


  • Currently Supports tracking of Vampire the Masquerade 5th Edition & World of Darkness 20th Edition
  • Easy to use Discord Slash Commands walk you through all the arguments with helpful descriptions on all of them
  • Character security, not just anyone can lookup or modify a character you have made
  • Supports Admin/Mod viewing of characters made on their server
  • Supports private creation and editing in DMs with the bot
  • Supports an ST tracker channel to see all the character updates in real time in a channel no one else can view. No more metagaming
  • Does all calculations for you
  • Gives mechanical help when required such as when you take damage

Supported Character Types

RoD 20th Edition

  • Vampire 20th Edition ( /vampire )
  • Human 20th Edition ( /human )
  • Ghoul 20th Edition ( /ghoul )
  • Werewolf 20th Edition ( /werwolf )
  • Wraith 20th Edition ( /wraith )
  • Changeling 20th Edition ( /changeling )
  • Mage 20th Edition ( /mage )
  • Demon the Fallen ( /demon )

Supporter Vanity Options

To thank those who choose to support my work and make it better for everyone. This bot comes with Supporter vanity options. You can now slightly personalise your experiance by changing you characters side bar colour and adding an image to your tracked characters. The images will also be used when you link your tracked character with any dice rolls you make.

(The picture below also shows off auto updates to your character when making dice rolls. That feature is available to everyone however.)

Become a supporter

To gain access to the vanity options please support me on Patreon. Every dollar helps with creating a better bot for all.

New Character

  • The command works will all supported character types and game versions
  • Supports creation in both servers and DMs with the bot. Creating in a server links your character to that server.
  • Characters are not accessible to other servers
  • Results can only be seen by the person making the command and STs if a channel is set up


The command is /{splat} new

Discord Slash commands walk you through what is required and all optional arguments.

Update Character

  • Used to update the values of an existing character
  • Can only be used by the creator of the character
  • Results can only be seen by the person making the command and STs if a channel is set up


The command is /{splat} update

Using update on values such as willpower takes +/- values. This will increase or decrease the field by that amount.
Eg. Greg has a current willpower pool of 4. Using the command with willpower: -2 will result in a current willpower of 2.

Discord Slash commands walk you through what is required and all optional arguments.

Set Character

  • Used to set the Permanent values of consumable fields such as Rage and Blood
  • Can also be used to set values to a fixed number rather then +/- values used for the update command
  • Results can only be seen by the person making the command and STs if a channel is set up


The command is /{splat} set

Using set on values such as willpower takes absolute values and works on your total pool not the current one.

Eg. Greg has a total willpower score of 7. Using the command with willpower: 5 will result in a total willpower rating of 5.

Discord Slash commands walk you through what is required and all optional arguments.

Delete Character

  • Can only be done by the owner of the character, or a mod/admin if the character is made on a server.
  • Supports multiple deletions at once
  • Asks for confirmation before deletion


the command is /tracker delete

Discord Slash commands walk you through what is required and all optional arguments.

Find Character

  • Can only be done by the owner of the character, or a mod/admin if the character is made on a server
  • Results can only be seen by the person making the command


The command is /tracker find

Discord Slash commands walk you through what is required and all optional arguments.

Tracker Channel

  • Can only be used by Storytellers or Admins
  • Sets up a channel for STs to see all the Character updates in real time. This channel is not a channel to update characters in. Character updates will always be private in whatever channel an update is made. The update will also be duplicated in this channel for ST moderation.


The command is /tracker channel

The channel being selected will require the bot to have "View Channel", "Send Messages" and "Embed Links" to work.

Discord Slash commands walk you through what is required and all optional arguments.

Setting Storyseller Roles

By default Characters can only be found or deleted by the creator of the Character or a Server Admin if the Character was created in a server. An Admin is defined as either the Owner of the server or anyone that has a role that contains the "Administrator" permissions turned on.

Often times however Storytellers or other Moderators do not have full Admin rights but are still required to oversee things such as characters in the server. To allow these roles to also be allowed to oversee characters the role must be added using this command.

  • Can only be used by Server Admins


The command is /tracker storytellers

Discord Slash commands walk you through what is required and all optional arguments.

Ratings & Reviews


1 review

Reviews can be left only by registered users. All reviews are moderated by Top.gg moderators. Please make sure to check our guidelines before posting.

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The Great Wurm
The Great Wurm

over 1 year ago

This is amazing, but my only question is do you think you could make it so 10's explode? This is one of the most beautiful dice rollers I've ever seen in my life, and while it's not any kind of issue, it would just be the icing on the cake for this. Past that, the UI is easy to use, the display is gorgeous and makes rolling easy and interactive, and it's made gaming over discord in our VTM server ...





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