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The ultimate Discord bot: Versatile, customizable, and simply unbeatable!

Welcome to Tanjun

Experience the future of Discord bots: Our versatile, customizable, and fully available in both German and English, multifunctional bot! With exciting mini-games, a practical giveaway system, and a helpful to-do manager, there are no limits to your possibilities. Immerse yourself in a new dimension of the Discord experience!


Administration Commands

  • schedulemessage message_content send_in (Optional: channel) (Optional: attachment1) (Optional: attachment2) (Optional: attachment3) (Optional: attachment4) (Optional: attachment5) (Optional: attachment6) (Optional: attachment7) (Optional: attachment8) (Optional: attachment9) (Optional: attachment10)

    • Schedule a message
  • cancelscheduledmessage channel

    • Cancel the last scheduled message.
  • editembed messageid (Optional: channel) (optional: embednumber = 1)

    • Edit an embed
  • embed title description (Optional: channel) (optional: color = #CB33F5)

    • Create an embed
  • poll title description channel option_1 option_2 (Optional: ping) (Optional: duration) (Optional: option_3) (Optional: option_4) (Optional: option_5) (Optional: option_6) (Optional: option_7) (Optional: option_8) (Optional: option_9) (Optional: option_10)

    • Create a poll
  • setnickname nickname (Optional: user)

    • Change a user's nickname
  • createchannel name (Optional: category)

    • Create a new text channel
  • deleterole role

    • Delete a role
  • addrole role (Optional: user)

    • Add a role to a user
  • removerole role (Optional: user)

    • Remove a role from a user
  • purge amount

    • Delete the last n messages from a channel
  • setcooldown cooldown (Optional: channel)

    • Change the cooldown of a text channel
  • advertisement channel title interval

    • Regularly broadcast advertisements in a channel
  • boosterrewards (Optional: channel) (Optional: role)

    • Give server boosters their own voice channel and/or role
  • rolesemoji emoji roles

    • Add an emoji that only certain roles can access
  • autopublish channel (Optional: error_user)

    • Configure an announcement channel to automatically publish content
  • showautopublish

    • See the configured autopublish channels

AI commands

  • speech_to_text audio

    • Convert speech to text
  • speech_to_translate audio

    • Translate audio to English
  • ask-tanjun question (optional: max_tokens = 100)

    • Ask Tanjun something
  • ask-gpt question (optional: max_tokens = 100)

    • Ask ChatGPT something
  • ask-arion question (optional: max_tokens = 100)

    • Ask Arion something
  • ask-tanjuwun question (optional: max_tokens = 100)

    • Ask Tanjuwun something uwu
  • ask-pegi question (optional: max_tokens = 100)

    • Ask Pegi something
  • ask-ender question (optional: max_tokens = 100)

    • Ask Ender something
  • ask-alex question (optional: max_tokens = 100)

    • Ask Alex something
  • info

    • Learn more about AI commands
  • token

    • Learn how many tokens you have left

Birthday Commands

  • add tag month (Optional: year)

    • Add your birthday
  • remove

    • Forget my birthday
  • config channel (Optional: role) (Optional: ping)

    • Configure the Birthday system
  • shownext

    • Show upcoming birthdays

Casino commands

  • info (Optional: user)

    • Get information about your casino behavior
  • transfer user amount

    • Transfer money to someone
  • daily

    • Collect your daily coins
  • slots bet

    • Play slots
  • dice bet bet bet

    • Play dice bets
  • lucky7 bet (Optional: user)

    • Play Lucky 7
  • leaderboard

    • Find out who the richest players are

Channel commands

  • logs channel

    • Set the logs channel
  • jointocreate channel

    • Set the Join to Create channel
  • emojichannel channel

    • Set the emojichannel
  • mediachannel channel

    • Set the mediachannel
  • makemyday channel interval (Optional: ping)

    • Set the makemyday channel
  • welcome channel title

    • Set the welcome channel and message
  • leave channel title

    • Set the leave channel and message

Convert commands

  • weight amount source-unit target-unit

    • Convert weight
  • speed amount source-unit target-unit

    • Convert speeds
  • distances amount source-unit target-unit

    • Convert distances
  • temperatures amount source-unit target-unit

    • Convert temperatures

Fun commands

  • cry (optional: message = )

    • Cry
  • rickroll user (optional: message = )

    • Roll the Rick on someone
  • greet user (optional: message = )

    • Greet someone
  • joke

    • Get a random joke
  • hug user (optional: message = )

    • Hug a user
  • slap user (optional: message = )

    • Slap a user
  • kiss user (optional: message = )

    • Kiss a user
  • highfive user (optional: message = )

    • Give a user a high five
  • poke user (optional: message = )

    • Poke a user
  • pat user (optional: message = )

    • Pat a user
  • wave user (optional: message = )

    • Wave to a user
  • compliment user (optional: message = )

    • Give a user a compliment
  • tickle user (optional: message = )

    • Tickle a user
  • slapback user (optional: message = )

    • Slap a user back
  • boop user (optional: message = )

    • Boop a user
  • nom user (optional: message = )

    • Nom a user
  • comfort user (optional: message = )

    • Comfort a user
  • pokeback user (optional: message = )

    • Poke a user back
  • laugh user (optional: message = )

    • Laugh at a user

Game Commands

  • aki

    • Play Akinator
  • rps choice enemy

    • Play Rock Paper Scissors
  • flq

    • Play Flag Quiz
  • countryguesser

    • Play Country Guesser
  • 4gewinnt user

    • Play Connect Four
  • ttt user

    • Play Tic Tac Toe
  • schach user

    • Play Chess
  • wordle

    • Play Wordle
  • 2048

    • Play 2048
  • hangman

    • Play Hangman
  • memorie

    • Play Memory
  • schiffeversenken user

    • Play Battleship
  • truda player1 nextplayermethod (Optional: player2) (Optional: player3) (Optional: player4) (Optional: player5) (Optional: player6) (Optional: player7) (Optional: player8) (Optional: player9) (Optional: player10)

    • Play Truth or Dare with up to 10 others!
  • wouldyourather

    • Play Would You Rather?
  • emojiquiz

    • Play Emoji Quiz
  • higherlower

    • Play Higher or Lower

Giveaway Commands

  • start channel prize description winners duration (Optional: sponsor) (optional: startdelay = 0s) (optional: message_requirement = 0) (optional: new_message_requirement = 0) (optional: days_on_server = 0) (Optional: role_requirement) (Optional: ping)

    • Start a Giveaway
  • cancel gid

    • Stop a giveaway
  • extend gid extra_time

    • Extend a giveaway
  • reroll gid

    • Reroll and select a new winner

Image Commands

  • resize width height image

    • Resize an image to a specific resolution
  • scale scaling_factor image

    • Scale an image up or down
  • rotate rotation image

    • Rotate an image
  • mirror mirror_axis image

    • Mirror an image
  • blur strength image

    • Apply blur effect to an image
  • contours image

    • Get the contours of an image
  • corners image

    • Get only the corners of your image
  • smooth image

    • Make your image smooth
  • more_smooth image

    • Make your image extra smooth
  • emboss image

    • apply the emboss filter
  • background image

    • Remove the background of an image

Info Commands

  • news topic

    • Get news on a topic
  • linux_info

    • Display information about the Linux server
  • bot_info

    • Display information about the bot
  • server_info

    • Get information about the server
  • user_info (Optional: member)

    • Get information about a user
  • channel_info (Optional: channel)

    • Get information about a channel
  • role_info role

    • Get information about a role
  • emoji_info emoji

    • Get information about an emoji
  • activity_info (Optional: channel) (optional: limit = 10000)

    • Get the activity level of a chat

Math Commands

  • calculator

    • Open the calculator
  • sin number

    • Calculate the sine of a number
  • cos number

    • Calculate the cosine of a number
  • tan number

    • calculate the tangent
  • asin number

    • Calculate the arcsine of a number
  • acos number

    • Calculate the arccosine of a number
  • atan number

    • Calculate the arctangent of a number
  • factorial number

    • Calculate the factorial of a number
  • root number (optional: n = 2)

    • Calculate the nth root of a number (default: square root)
  • power x (optional: n = 2)

    • Calculate x raised to the power of n (default: n = 2)
  • log number (Optional: base)

    • Calculate the logarithm of a number
  • function start end points functions x_label y_label size_x size_y title

    • do something with functions
  • randomnumber (optional: min = 0) (optional: max = 10)

    • get a random number
  • number_to_word number

    • Convert a number to words

Counting Commands

  • counting_channel channel

    • Set the counting channel
  • set_counting_progress progress

    • Set the counting progress
  • word_chain_channel channel

    • Set the word chain channel

Remove Channel Commands

  • logs

    • Delete the logs channel
  • jointocreate

    • Delete the Join to Create channel
  • emojichannel

    • Delete the Only Emoji channel
  • mediachannel

    • Delete the Only Media channel
  • makemyday

    • Delete the Make My Day channel
  • welcome

    • Delete the welcome message from a channel
  • leave

    • Delete the Leave channel
  • advertisement

    • Delete the advertising
  • boosterrewards

    • Remove the ability for boosters to create their own channels/roles
  • autopublishchannel channel

    • Remove the autopublish function of a channel

Stat Commands

  • date channel

    • Set the channel for date
  • usergoal channel

    • Set the channel for user goals
  • members channel

    • Set the channel for members (including bots)
  • bots channel

    • Set the channel for bots
  • user channel

    • Set the channel for members (excluding bots)
  • team channel

    • Set the channel for the team (members with view_audit_log rights)
  • setusergoal goal

    • Set the user goal

Ticket Command

  • create channel topic logchannel (Optional: ping) (Optional: rolerequirement) (optional: letterrequirement = 30)
    • Create a new ticket module

TikTok Commands

  • send_this_to_someone_deserving subject language amount (Optional: background_image) (Optional: last_background_image)

    • Create an image series for 'Send this to someone who deserves all these ...'
  • info

    • Learn more about TikTok commands
  • token

    • Learn how many tokens you have left

Utility commands

  • google text

    • Search for an image
  • ping

    • Get the ping
  • claimchannel

    • Claim your booster rewards
  • claimrole name color (Optional: display_icon)

    • Claim your booster rewards
  • translate text target_language

    • Translate a text
  • emojipicker

    • Find new emojis for your server
  • fakeperson

    • Create a person that does not exist
  • pokedex (optional: page = 1)

    • Open the Pokedex
  • passwordgenerator (optional: length = 12)

    • Generate a Random Password
  • qr-code link

    • Generate a QR Code
  • setroleicon role (Optional: display_icon)

    • Set the role icon of a role

Ratings & Reviews


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t. & Slash Commands













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    English (EN)


