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Hold Giveaways On Your Discord Server Quickly And Easily!


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Our Website discord.gg/22v8peAJp8K Invite GiveawayCord

Hey there! Thank you for willing to use GiveawayCord! This is an advance Discord bot that able to create tons of giveaways at once in multiple servers! New to the bot? Type ..help to start!

Premium Features

Want to support my work and the bot by accessing GiveawayCord's Premium Features? Now you can by boosting Our Support Server! This are also meant to show that the bot is useful and I can work more with the bot to add more features.

DM reinahrdt#8345 After Boosting For Fast Response, Thank You!


  • General: ..help: Sends you the help embed for every commands, (..help <command> to get usage and description of the specific command that you've mentioned.)

  • General: ..support: Link to our support server and the bot's faq. I've provided the faq so users can knew what common issues they're dealing with.

  • General: ..ping: The pings for Websocket Latency and Bot Latency.

  • General: ..uptime: The bot uptime and latest updates.

  • Giveaways: ..start: Starts a giveaway in the current channel you are. Eg: ..start 10m 1w Discord Nitro (Would start a 10-minutes giveaway with 1 winner and the prize will be Discord Nitro).

  • Giveaways: ..create: Starts a giveaway indirectly or step by step. It works same as ..start.

  • Giveaways: ..reroll: Reroll a giveaway to determine a new winner, Eg: ..reroll <GiveawayID>.

  • Giveaways: ..end: End a running giveaway instantly, results of winner will be determine by bot. Eg: ..end <GiveawayID>.

  • Giveaways: ..edit: Edit your giveaway that have already run. Eg: ..edit <GiveawayID> 30m 1w 2 Nitro Classic. (That would edit the prize to Nitro Classic, 1 winner and the duration will by set to 30 minutes.) WARNING: Due to 12/2/2020 updates, by typing the new duration to edit your giveaways, it'll set based on your typing and no longer adding the duration to its original time due users can add the duration multiple time to bypass the limit.

  • Giveaways: ..delete: Delete a running giveaway. Eg: ..delete <GiveawayID>. Deleting giveaways with this method will decrease the running giveaways amount in your server.

  • Giveaways: ..list: List all of the running giveaways in a server you're at. This command will currently listed the: Giveaway's message ID, giveaway's channel position, winner(s) count, prize name, and time remaining.

We also provided an aliases of the commands! Example: Instead of ..start, you also can do ..gstart. Those commands have the same usage! (Not all commands have an aliases)

Active Setup

Interactive Setup

Above video are the example to start a giveaway interactively or step by step. This way, user can create a giveaway separately from another channel. Just easily type ..create and follow GiveawayCord next instructions. I'd recommend you to use this command separately from the giveaway's channel as once giveaways are created, the instruction's logs and your message won't be deleted.

Both above videos are the examples to create giveaways actively and interactively. Both method works differently but it create the same giveaway, bot will still determine winners, ends certainly as with the timer. Since this bot have a limitation to create giveaways, I've manually revamped GiveawayCord by rechecking everything so users CANNOT bypass the limit to create giveaways and there are no possible way you can get a higher chance to win. Bot will determine winners randomly and eveyone have a fair chance to win!

GiveawayCord is an advance giveaway bot that lets you create giveaways quickly and easily. To participate in giveaways, easily react with 🎉 . Once the giveaways ended, the bot will determine a random winner(s)! Please keep in mind that right now we're facing a problem where whenever the bot restarted, all giveaways will end. Also, remember that the bot won't go offline. It's 24/7 online and the bot only goes down due to crash (Giveaways Created At Once) or data crashed. We're sorry for the inconvenience. (Fixed)


10/29/2020 BIGGEST UPDATE: As currently, most people complain about an issue that might let this bot into a failure. This issue is always happening when GiveawayCord can't track all giveaways in every server whenever the bot restarted. This always happening since I did not set up a database to store every giveaway data that were created previously. Since then, I had noticed about it and immediately fix it as it might be a serious problem to every user and server. You can now not to worry of your giveaway timer stopped since this issue had been fixed.

Premium Features

It's out already! You can get GiveawayCord with its premium features with a higher limit of creating giveaways! Currently, to get these features, you must join My Support Server and boost it 1x for 1 month! Please note as this is only for a while as Covid-19 makes the circumstances different. But below is the list you can get:

  • More Giveaways: The normal bot can only hold up to 20 giveaways per server but the Premium Version can hold up to 25 giveaways per server's channel.
  • Extra Durations: Normal duration you can set is up to 3 weeks but with the Premium Version, you can set up to 5-10 weeks!
  • More Winners: The winners of each giveaway only could hold up to 15 winners ONLY. The Premium Version can instead hold a giveaway with 50 winners MAX!
  • New Command: We also have decided to add a new command related to the Giveaways category yet, we're still thinking about it.
  • Special Rewards: You'll also get a special role in my support server labelled as supporting my work! The special role can be kept as long as you're supporting Giveaway Bot.

Get GiveawayCord's Premium Version: Currently, to get GiveawayCord valid with its premium perks, you have to join discord.gg/22v8peAJp8 and boost it. An owner who boosts discord.gg/22v8peAJp8 will have their server valid to GiveawayCord based on their Server boost. If they're not any longer boosting InPlex Development server, they'll lose their validation of premium in less than 3 days.

More Info For Premium: You can join my Support Server and ask further. Please also keep in mind that this Boost To Get Premium way is limit and currently. As the pandemic of Covid-19, I can't maintain both Free and Premium user on time. DM reinhardt#8345 After Boosting For Faster Response.

Bot's FAQ / Frequently Asked Questions

1) Does My Giveaways Will Stopped If Bot Is Restarted?

Nope, starting from 10/29/2020, GiveawayCord will still keep your giveaway data in a database that allows your giveaway to run even though I restarted the bot multiple times.

2) My Giveaway Stopped When The Bot Also Offline, And When It's (The Bot) Back, It Shows A Negative Number Of Duration When I Run ..list. Anything Wrong?

Therefore seems to be wrong but we don't mind it. It only happens when your giveaway supposes to end but it doesn't. And this won't affect your giveaway at all. Your giveaways still can run perfectly fine.

3) How Do I Edit The Duration Of A Giveaway In Editing Mode?

Example: ..edit 638207462091 10m 2w Free Robux, will change the duration to 10 minutes instead of adding another 10 minutes to prevent users from bypassing the limitations of hosting a giveaway.

4) Can I Make My Giveaway Have A Requirement And Only Certain Roles Can Participate?

Technically, it's a NO but you can do it. For the requirement, make sure that the winners have followed your requirement, if winners did not complete the requirement, you can reroll. And for certain roles, make sure that your channel only can be seen by those who have certain roles.

5) Will There Be Any Future Plans Like FAQ 4?

Nope, I have 0% of planning to add them since this giveaway bot are designed to be easy, simple, and quick. Giveaway Bot will allow all participants to participate in all giveaways, as long as the giveaways are visible for everyone.

6) How Can I Able To Unlock The Premium Features?

Currently, you're only able to unlock its Premium Features when you're boosting GiveawayCord's Support Server which is discord.gg/22v8peAJp8.

Latest Update:

  • Updated And Fixed Edit Command: I've updated the ..edit command to prevent users from bypassing the limitations of hosting a giveaway. Scroll up to find out the new usage and its description.

Updated At: 12/03/2020

Thank You

  • To submit some issues of the bot, please join our Discord Support Server and report to an active developer or staff.

Copyright © NotMarx's Plan 2020-2021

Ratings & Reviews


5 reviews

Reviews can be left only by registered users. All reviews are moderated by Top.gg moderators. Please make sure to check our guidelines before posting.

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over 3 years ago

can not add the bot go to https://dis.gd/bot-verificon to add the bot



Replying to imloveingit!

I sorry for that problem! Currently that I'll be starting verifying the bot on 11st January 2021 as Discord Staff also will be back to verify it. You may use other bot or wait till it's verified and visit our server for more announcement!


almost 4 years ago

Bot yang bagus bro! Ini bot bisa tahan giveaway nya sampai berminggu-minggu. Nice!



Replying to IloiIb

Thank You, My Friend. I'm Glad You Love The Bot! / Terima Kasih Bro, Mungkin Anda Bisa Coba Premium Version Nya 😊

Raunak Raj
Raunak Raj

almost 4 years ago

I like your bot, easy to use, hope you grow! Best Wishes!



Replying to Raunak Raj

Thank you for your kind words! I'd hope that Giveaway Bot can hold giveaways quickly and easily without you having an issues. I'll also improve the premium features and at last maintaining them!


over 3 years ago

Everything is fine but bot is very slow...



over 3 years ago

We've aware of the bot being buggy last those weeks. We've done a few small fixes and now it should be running smoothly.







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