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White Music

White Music




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Gelişmiş Bir Müzik Botudur Sunucuna Eklersen Sevinirim Pişman Olmazsın.

EN Language

As you now, people can’t stop listening to music their Daily lives. So we created the "White Music" project to give people a practical way to their daily lives. The bot of this application comes to the forefront.Shortly “White Music” is a Discord’s bot. As you know, people join a number of platforms to meet the needs of listening to music in their daily lives. The purpose of this bot is to reject these platforms directly and connect them to a single platform, to connect them with Discord. It may be a little ironic, but the bot is legally draws music from other platforms, which is the right thing to do. As you briefly know, Discord bots are often used in commands. So we didn't go out of this current and configured the "Music Provider" Discord bot as a Discord bot that allows people to listen to the music they want. That's what we can say superficially. Now let's explain the features of the boat in depth. This bot plays selected music from platforms YouTube and Spotify. For example, if you want to Playing music from a playlist link from Spotify, playing music selected as a search result from YouTube, playing music from a Playlist link from YouTube, and playing a music connection from YouTube.

In addition to, similar tools are seen in this bot, such as vehicles on platforms where we can listen to music.

For example, if you want to Stopping playing music, continuing playing music, cleaning up the music list to play, skipping the music that plays, looping the music to play and playing, seeing the lyrics of the selected music, seeing the music to play in order to see. There are also server-specific configurable settings for the bot to make it easy for server authorities.

(1.Yardım Menüsü 2.Help Menu

1.Tukçe Komutlar https://prnt.sc/uag5lb

2.English Commands https://prnt.sc/uag55v)

(1.Türkçe Bilgiler 2.Information in English

1.Türkçe Bilgiler https://prnt.sc/uag473

2.Information in English https://prnt.sc/uag4di)

(1.Türkçe Geliştirci Bilgi 2.English Developer Informations

1.Türkçe Geliştirici Bilgi https://prnt.sc/uag736

2.English Developer Informations https://prnt.sc/uag9nu)

TR language

Spotfy Destekli İlk Türk Yapımı Müzik Botlarından Biridir. Spotify, Youtube Gibi Mecralarda Oluşturduğunuz Oynatma Listelerini Çalabilir. w!yardım Yazarak Bot Hakkında Bilgi Alabilirsiniz.

White Music Yardım Moderasyon Komutları; w!prefix - Botun Komut Prefixini ayarlar. w!sırauzunluğu - Botun çalabileceği şarkı kapasitesini ayarlar.

Müzik Komutları;

w!geliştirici : Botun Geliştiricilerini Gösterir

w!developer : Shows Bot Developers

w!bilgi : Bot Hakkında Bilgi Almak İçin

w!information : To Learn About the Bot

w!başlat : Şarkı adı Belirttiğiniz Şarkıyı Ses Odasında Çalar

w!play : Song name Plays Your Specified Song in the Sound Room

w!durdur : Şarkıyı Çalmayı Durdurur

w!stop : Stops Playing Songs

w!geç : Bir Sonraki Şarkıya Geçiş Yapar

w!skip : Switches to Next Song

w!ses : Ses Seviyesini Belirler

w!volume : Determines the Sound Level

w!döngü : Çalan Şarkıyı Tekrarlar

w!loop : Repeats the Song Playing

w!sıra : Müziğin Sırasını Gösterir

w!quene : Indicates the Order of the Music

w!devam : Durdurduğunuz Şarkıyı Devam Ettirir

w!resume : Continues Your Paused Song

w!sözler : Müziğin Sözlerini Yazar

w!lyrics : Writes the lyrics of the music

w!np : Çalan Müziği Gösterir

w!np: Indicates Music Playing

w!atlama : Şarkıyı Atlamanızı Sağlar

w!jump : Lets You Skip Song

w!drop : Botun Ani Donmalarını Geçirir Ve Gösterir

w!drop : Passes And Shows The Sudden Freezes Of The Boat

Prefixi w!prefix ... Yazarak Değiştirebilirsiniz

You Can Change Prefix With w!prefix ...

w!bilgi Botun Yapımcılarını Ve Kaç Sunucuda Olduğunu Kaç Kişinin Kullandığını Ve Kaç K Kişi Olduğunu Gösterir

w!information Shows the Bot's Builders And How Many Servers Are Used And How Many K There Are

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W!M Support #3 Years old

W!M Support #3 Years old





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⍲ Gilbey`S ᵃˡᵉˢᵗᶤᵃ

⍲ Gilbey`S ᵃˡᵉˢᵗᶤᵃ