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Mercury - 水星

Mercury - 水星




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Simple and fast bot that has Moderation, Translation, Polls, Memes, Message-Filters, Anime-Gifs, Image-Maipulation and more!

Mercury is a Multi-Purpose Bot which has something for everyone:

Why Mercury?

Let's first at the perks of Mercury:

• A fast and easy Helper while setting up and Maintaining your Server, aswell as keeping it alive
• Moderating a Server on the easist scale
• Translate, Calculate and Communicate using Mercury
• a Ton of Memes and Templates to let your creativity strive
• Express your Feelings with Mercuries Anime Gifs, and stop overusing the same Bots
• Even More than that to explore, like its Economy, Fun and NSFW Commands

look in the *Commands and their Use* Section to discover more


• Quiz-Commands
• something with Memes
• Website in the far future, and anything useful basically


We are using a reliable and very quick hosting method, so that the uptime is ca. 99.99% (if not under development). The latency is ultra-low (record 12ms, which means it could've responded you 83 times in a single second). Most Big Bots wait 6 times longer until you get an answer...

Weird Acts:

None. That's not how code works.

Getting started

1 invite Mercury.
2 Mercury now needs Permissions such as Read and Write Messages, aswell as Contact Users through DMs. Generally speaking, since you want the full spectrum of Usability, Mercury needs Permissions to execute Commands and Moderate
3 Customize your Server using eventinfo. All ways to customize Actions can be found with mhelp moderation and in the Commands and their Use Section. Now is the apropriate time to set up the Filter using filter ... (filterhelp)
4 To make it easier for Members, you can make a little info-channel where you pin the most important things about Mercury. Generally a good thing to do. Consider using Mercuries Warn system: When the filter detects unwanted content, the Author/Sender gets warned (like warn @someone, reverse with unwarn @someone). At 10 Warns, a Member will be kicked. Not sure how many warns someone has? -> warns @somone
Somenone made an Oopsie ? -> unwarn or pardon

Commands Documentation

command +Input +Seperators (like ';') (+optional Input) (N if None) | Brief Desciption


kick +@member | kicks a member from the server

ban +@member | bans a member from the server

unban +@member | unbans a member from the server

mute +@member (+time in seconds, minutes or hours)| mutes a member in the server

unmute +@member | unmute a member from the server

warn +@member | warns a member

clear (+amount) | deletes an amount of most recent messages

Role and NicknameManagement Subcategory

addrole +name +, +color (grey, blue, red, green, yellow, dark version: d-...) | creates a role with a custom name and color

giverole +@member +role | adds a role to a member

remrole +@member +role | removes a Role from a Member

addperms +role +changes | Adds Permissions to the given Role

remperms +role +changes | Removes Permissions from the given Role

resperms +role | Resetts the Permissions of the given Role

seprole +role (+reason) | Seperates a Role from Others

unseprole +role (+reason) | Orders the Role into the next Seperated One

rolecolor +role (+reason) | Changes Colors of the given Role

delrole +role (+reason) | Deletes the given Role

mentionable +role +True or False (Changes the Mentionable Option to that) (+reason) | Configurates the Mentionable Option for the given Role

rolepos +role +position (Number or after / before / behind / infront) (+optional Reference Role (the chanel you take asreference point when not choosing a Number)) (+reason) | Configurates the Position of the given Role

nickname (+@member) +new-nickname | Changes the Members Nickname to the one Specified

removenick (+@member) | Removes the Nickname from a Member

name +role or channel or category +new Name | Changes the Name of the given Role/Channel/Category

Channel and Category Management Subcategory

newvc +name (+category) (+reason) | Creates a new VoiceChannel

newcat +name (+category) (+reason) | Creates a new Category

delpart +channel-or-category (+reason) | Deletes the Specified TextChannel/VoiceChannel/Category

partpos +channel/category +position (Number or after / before / behind / infront) (+optional Reference Channel (the chanel you take as reference point when not choosing a Number)) (+reason) | Configurates the Position of the given Channel/Category

topic +channel +new topic | Changes the current Topic of the given Channel to the new One

channelnsfw +channel (+True or False (Change the Nsfw-Option to that, defaults to True)) (+reason) | Marks/Unmarks a Textchannel as NSFW

vclimit +channel +bitrate or users (also: bit-rate and user-limit) +limit (a number) | Configurates the Bitrate / User Limit of a Voice Channel

cooldown +Cooldown in Seconds +channel | Sets up the Cooldown on a given TextChannel. 0 Seconds disables it

Permission Handling Subcategory

syncperms (+channel) (+reason) | Synchonizes the Permissions of the given Channel with its category

addchperms +role (+channel) +changes | Adds Permissions to the given Role for a Channel

remchperms +role (+channel) +changes | Removes Permissions from the given Role for a Channel

reschperms +role (+channel) | Resets the Permissions of a given ROle for a Channel

addcatperms +role (+category) +changes | Adds Permissions to the given Role for a Channel

remcatperms +role (+category) +changes | Removes Permissions from the given Role for a Category

rescatperms +role (+category) | Resets the Permissions of a given ROle for a Category

Customization Subcategory

filter (+add +... / +remove +...) | adjusts the filter for the server

eventinfo N | Returns all the customizable messages etc. shown below

seteventchannel +category (leave or join) +#textchannel | This will be the channel the leave-/join-messages will be sent to

seteventmsg +leave or join +message | Sends a customizable message to a specific channel (must be under 100 Letters)

setbaserole +role | By joining the member will receive this role


meme N | get a random meme

meme2 N | get a random meme from another source

Meme-Creators Subcategory

achievement +text (+icon) | make a custom minecraft-achievement

challenge +text (+icon) | make a custom minecraft-challenge

magik N | uses the filter magik on the last image

supreme +logo | Make a custom Supreme Logo

pornhub +text +; +orange-text | Make a custom Pornhub Logo

didyoumean +text +; +text2 | Make a custom Google Did you mean Meme

drake +text +; +text2 | Make a custom Drake Meme

floor (+@member) +the_floor | Make a custom The floor is ... Meme

scroll +text | Make a custom The Scroll of Truth Meme

captcha +text | Make a custom Captcha Meme

calling +text | Make a custom Tom Calling Meme

trash +@member (+@member 2) | Make a custom Trash Meme with the Member's Avatars

ship +@member (+@member 2) | Use this when 2 People are in a (Relation)ship

jokeoverhead (+@member) | Use this when someone/you didn't catch the joke

salty (+@member) | Use this when someone is/you are salty

carreverse +text | Make a custom Car-Reversing Meme

changemymind +text | Make a custom ChangeMyMind Meme

emergencymeeting +text | Make a custom Among Us Emergency-Meeting Meme

ejected +@member (+isimpostor (True or False)) (+color) | Make a custom Among Us Ejected Meme

npc +text +; +text2 | Make a custom NoPlayerCharacter Meme

water +text | Make a custom Water Meme

distracted-bf +boyfriend +woman (+girlfriend) | Make a custom Distracted-Boyfriend Meme

firsttime (+@member) | Make a custom Your First Time Meme

grave (+@member) | Make a custom Grave Meme

iamspeed (+@member) | Make a custom I Am Speed Meme

milk +@member (+@member2) | Make a custom I Can Milk You Meme

heaven (+@member) | Make a custom Heaven Meme

stonks (+@member) | Make a custom Stonks Meme

tableflip (+@member) | Make a custom Table-Flip Meme

clyde +text | Make Clyde say Something

kannagify +text | Kannagifies a Text

trumptweet +text | Make Trump Tweet something

tweet +Username +; +Text | Make a custom Tweet

phcomment +Username +; +Text | Make a custom P*rnhub-Comment

nichijou +Text | Does something. The Text needs to be specific

clickforh*ntai (+@member) | Makes a ClickForH*ntai-Meme

threats (+@member) | Makes a The Biggest Threats for Society Meme

baguette (+@member) | Makes a Baguette-Meme

lolice (+@member) | Makes a Lolies-Police Meme

kms (+@member) | Makes a KMS-Meme

awooify (+@member) | A-Woo-ifies something

animeface (+@member) | Puts an Animeface-Filter upon a Member Avatar/Image

iphonex (+@member) | Fills up an Iphone-X

stickbug (+@member) | Makes a Get-Stickbugged Meme

--> Why is @member optional? If you do not choose @member, the latest image will be taken (if any in the latest 50 Messages)


chatbot +message | talk to a chatbot with Artificial Intelligence

joke N | get a random joke

topics N | Gives you 4 random questions to talk about

dog N | get a random dog picture

greet +@member or me or custom input | greets somebody/something

slap (+@member or random (random member)) | slaps a member

8ball +question | ask 8ball anything you want

mock +text | 'mOcKs' A tExT

Minigame Subcategory

open rr +kick or ban | starts a russian roulette match (You will automatically join)

join N | lets you join the current match

close N | closes the current match (Requirements: Match creator or Server-Administrator)

Animal Subcategory

cat N | get a random cat picture

sadcat N | get a random sad-cat picture

birb N | get a random bird picture

fml N | get a random f*ck my life text

animalfact +animal | get a random fact about this animal

animalimg +animal | get a random picture of this animal

animal +animal | get both a random fact and image from this animal


translate +Language1 +'=' +Languate2 | Translates a text from Language1 to Language2 using THE Google-Translator | See _translatorhelp

translanguages N | Lists all the Lanuages Mercury can translate to/from

lyrics +song | Returns Title, Author, Lyrics and Thumbnail of the Song

pokedex +pokemon | returns all Information about the Pokemon such as ID, Tpye, Base-XP, Gender, Height, Weight, Egg-Groups, Evo.-Line, Generation, Description and Normal and Aimated Sprites

feedback +feedback | Sends feedback to the bot-owner

Mathemmatics Subcategory

calc +calculation (math module integrated) | makes calculations, see _calchelp

graph +function (Example: f(x) = 2 x - 0.1 * x ; f(x) = is optional) | makes calculations, see _calchelp

solve +term (Example: x- 2.1x = 0 ; = 0 is optional, but the other half needs to be equivalent to 0) | makes calculations, see _calchelp

Discord Information Subcategory

server N | Links the Support-Server of Mercury

invite N | Links the Invitation-Link of Mercury

sinfo N | returns the Server-Information

pinfo (+@member) | returns the Member-Information

binfo N | returns the Bot-Information

latency N | returns the Bot's Latency which is Ultra-Low

avatar (+@member) | Returns the downloadable Version of someone's Profile Picture

warns (+@member) | Lets you see how many warns the member has

De- and Encoding Subcategory

binary +text | Encodes the text into the Binary-System

base64 +text | Encodes the text into the Base64-System, useful as Secret Language

base64dec +decoded-text | Decodes the text from the Base64-System


anime-quote N | Gives you a good, random Anime-Quote, with the Author and Anime he/she is in

hug (+@member) | Hug someone! Random Hugging Gif

pat (+@member) | Pat someone with a random Patting Gif

wink (+@member) | Wink at someone with a random winking Gif

facepalm (+@member) | If you want to express your exasperation with an Anime Gif

random-anime (+language (any=default, sub or dub) | Links a Place where you can find random Animes to watch when you are bored ​ -> Expect more Anime-Commands to come soon! :D


magik N | uses the filter magik on the last image

blur (+@member) | Blurrifies the last image/member profile

invert (+@member) | Inverts the last image/member profile

b&w (+@member) | Inverts the last image/member profile

deepfry (+@member) | Removes Color from the last image/member profile

sepia (+@member) | Puts the Sepia filter on the last imag/member avatar

pixelate (+@member) | Pixelates the last image/member profile

jpegify (+@member) | Jpegifies the last image/given member profile

wide (+@member) | Widens the last imag/member avatar (Wide Putin Mode)

snow (+@member) | Puts the Snow filter on the last imag/member avatar

gay (+@member) | Puts the Pride Flag on the last imag/member avatar

communist (+@member) | Puts the Communist (USSR) Flag on the last imag/member avatar

random (+@member) | Manipulates your Image with one of the mentioned Filters above


tag +tag-name | Returns the response of the tag (in most cases a funny image)

taginfo +tag-name | Returns Information about the Tag such as Creator and Type

addtag +tag-name +type +response | Creates a Tag. Tpyes: text or image

deltag +tag-name | Deletes a Tag. You must be the Tag Creator

edittag-owner +tag-name +new-owner | Edits the Owner of the Tag

edittag-name +tag-name +new-tag-name | Edits the Name of the Tag

edittag-response +tag-name +new-response | Edits the Response of the Tag

edittag-type +tag-name +new-type | Edits the Type of the Tag


bal (+@member) | returns your current balance

work N | work and get up to 500 :b:-Bucks | Cooldown: 20 Minutes

rob +@member | rob and steal 1/8th of someones Balance | Cooldown: 20 minutes

casino +amount | try your luck, win 4x or loose 1x

shop N | lets you see the shop and what to spend money on

buy +item | lets you buy a special item from _shop

items +@member | returns the items a member owns

give +@member +amount | gives the member an amount of your money ('all' works too)

Special Category

votes N | Returns the unique Votes for Mercury

votecounter N | Returns how often somebody voted for Mercury

voteboard (+type (server/guild or global/globally)) (+amount (1-25)) | Gives you a cool leaderboard of who voted Mercury the most


help (+category (1, see _help) or +command (2, see _commandinfo) or +error (3, bumping into an error)) | 1 Lists the Commands of the respective Category 2 Returns Info about a Specfific Command 3 Returns much Info about an Error

commandlist N | Returns the Commands and Cogs of Mercury sorted by Category

Important and Complex Commands Subcategory

mathhelp N | gives information about Mercuries mathematical functions

calchelp N | gives information about the _calc command

translatorhelp N | gives information about the _translate command

filterhelp N | gives information about Mercuries filter function


used Apis

VAC Efron's API
Nekobot API

Servers using Mercury (early Supporters)

Lion's Club (Anime related)
Gamers Lounge
Cherry Flower (Chilling)

Further Help

We are happy to help at any given time (The main developer is usually online at 1PM to 10PM UTC):

Help Commands

• help (+category for the command list of this category)
• commandlist (very simple command that lists all commands sorted by category)
• feedback (+the feedback you want to give, will be sent directly to the main dev, **feedback is important to us so do not hesitate to tell us if you have ideas of improval or think that something is not working properly**)


VAC Efron's API
Nekobot API

Ratings & Reviews


5 reviews

Reviews can be left only by registered users. All reviews are moderated by Top.gg moderators. Please make sure to check our guidelines before posting.

5 stars


4 stars


3 stars


2 stars


1 star



almost 4 years ago

it has all the best features you can want in a discord bot to control/manage your discord server + with some fun commands too! highly recommend it 10/10


Mercury - 水星

Replying to FlurBuffy

Thank you for your Feedback!


almost 4 years ago

In my opinion this bot is the best bot because it's a bot


Mercury - 水星

Replying to hunt91169

Thanks for the feeback


almost 4 years ago

Best Bot No Cap


Mercury - 水星

Replying to Xo

Thank you for your opinion. We value feedback very much!


almost 4 years ago

I love the developer they are very helpful. Good for moderation.



almost 4 years ago

Useless bot, all it does is sit around and do nothing. it can barely even ban anyone so what is the point of it


Mercury - 水星

Replying to 𝖁𝖆𝖝𝖙𝖚𝖔𝖗

We are happy to hear Feedback from you. We will implement the recommendations into our Work-Tree!



_ , % , @Mercury










