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Cryptid Hunter

Cryptid Hunter




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Unleash epic adventures with Cryptid Hunter Bot!

Immerse yourself in the world of mythical beasts and legendary creatures. Are you a master of myth or a seeker of the strange? Test your skills and challenge your bravery with Cryptid Hunter bot.

  • Key Features

User Registration and Management:

New users can easily register and start their adventure using the /start command 🚀. User stats management includes health ❤️, attack ⚔️, defense 🛡️, cryptid power, money, cryptid fluid, and more. Change your nickname with /nick to personalize your adventure.

Cryptid Collection and Evolution:

Users can collect various cryptids with different rarities (Common, Rare, Epic, Legendary, Supreme) 🐉. Cryptids can evolve through stages, enhancing their abilities and changing their appearance 🌟. View detailed information about your cryptids with /view [cryptid] and your collection with /viewc [cryptid].

Expeditions and Combat:

Users can embark on expeditions to discover and capture new cryptids 🌍. Expeditions have varying difficulty levels and drop rates for different rarity cryptids 🏹. Engage in battles and boss battles with other players using commands like /battle [@user] and /bossbattle.


Purchase in-game items such as attack fruits 🍎, defense fruits 🍐, health fruits 🍌, and more through the /marketplace command. Buy items directly using /buy {item}.

Income and Economy:

Earn money passively, and from daily and vote rewards 💰. Periodic income updates based on the user's cryptid collection 📈. Manage in-game currency to purchase items and upgrades 💸. Convert cryptid fluid to fruits and vice versa using /convert {item} {amount}.

Interactive Commands:

/stats [name] to view user stats, including health, attack, defense, cryptid power, money, cryptid fluid, and income 📊. /inventory [name] to see the amount of money and cryptid fluid users have. /expedition [number | view] to start an expedition or view available expeditions 🗺️. /feed [cryptid] to feed fruits to cryptids and enhance their stats.

Boosts and Enhancements:

Cryptids can receive boosts that improve their stats 🔥. Boosts can be rerolled using /boostroll [cryptid] for a chance to get better enhancements. Users can upgrade their own stats or their cryptids' stats with /upgrade [cryptid | self].

Additional Features:

/favorite [cryptid] to mark a cryptid as your favorite for display on your profile. /profile [username] to view any user's game profile, including badges and favorite cryptid. /leaderboard and /leaderboarda to view the rankings of players. /ask [question] to get AI-powered answers about Cryptid Hunter. Engage in a world of adventure, strategy, and discovery with the Cryptid Hunter Bot, where every command brings new opportunities and excitement/

List of all Commands:

General Commands /start Description: Registers the player as a Cryptid Hunter and initializes their user data. Usage: /start

/clear Description: Clears all user data for the player, reverting them back to the state before using the /start command. This command requires confirmation before proceeding. Usage: /clear

/nick [name] Description: Sets or changes the player's nickname. Usage: /nick JohnDoe

/stats [name] Description: Displays the player's current stats, including health, attack, defense, cryptid power, money, cryptid fluid, and income. To view another user's stats, use /stats @username. Usage: /stats or /stats @username

/inventory [name] Description: Displays the player's inventory, showing the amount of money and cryptid fluid they have. To view another user's inventory, use /inventory @username. Usage: /inventory or /inventory @username

/vote Description: Use to vote for Cryptid Hunter on top.gg! Usage: /vote

/daily Description: Use to claim rewards every 12 hours. Usage: /daily

/give Description: Allows you to transfer a specified quantity of an item (money, cryptid fluid, health fruit, attack fruit, or defense fruit) to another player. Ensure you have enough of the item before using this command. Usage: /give @username {item} {quantity}

/convert Description: Converts cryptid fluid into fruits or converts fruits into cryptid fluid. When converting fluid to fruits, a random type of fruit will be given. When converting fruits to fluid, the user must specify which type of fruit to convert. Usage: /convert fruit {amount} or /convert fluid {amount}

/favorite Description: Favorites one of the user’s cryptids for display on their profile. Usage: /favorite Dragon

/profile Description: Displays any user in the game’s profile, where badges and the user’s favorite cryptid can be viewed. This command can be used to view profiles outside of the current server. Usage: /profile or /profile @{username} or /profile {username}

/badges Description: Displays all earnable badges. Usage: /badges

/cooldowns Description: Displays all of the user’s cooldowns. Usage: /cooldowns

/leaderboard Description: Displays the leaderboard. /leaderboarda displays the leaderboard for players which have used an admin command. Usage: /leaderboard or /leaderboarda

/marketplace Description: Displays all in-game items such as cryptids, money, fluid, and fruits which can be purchased through Square POS. The marketplace refreshes every 6 hours. Usage: /marketplace

/buy Description: Gives a link where users can buy items in the marketplace and/or view the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. Usage: /buy {item}

/setlang Description: Sets the user’s preferred language. Usage: /setlang {language}

/ask Description: Uses AI to answer any questions users have about Cryptid Hunter. Limited to 1 question every 15 seconds. Usage: /ask {question}

/help Description: Displays this list in the chat. Usage: /help

Expedition/Battle Commands /training [number] Description: Starts a training expedition without spending an expedition count. Users cannot receive rewards on training expeditions. Note: The user can optionally add a number (ex. /training 1) to retroactively choose their participant. Usage: /training 1

/expedition [number | view] Description: Starts an expedition or views available expeditions. The number specifies which expedition to start. Players are allowed 5 expeditions per hour. If 'view' is provided, it shows the available expeditions. Note: The user can optionally add a number (ex. /expedition 1) to retroactively choose their participant. Usage: /expedition 1 or /expedition view

/expeditionend Description: Ends the current expedition if the player is on one. Usage: /expeditionend

/expeditionimg Description: Displays images of available expeditions that the player has unlocked. Usage: /expeditionimg

/battle [@user] Description: Challenges another player to a battle. Usage: /battle @user

/accept Description: Accepts a battle challenge from another player. Usage: /accept

/bossbattle Description: Initiates a boss battle. At least one other user must join the battle using /join before the battle can begin. Uses an expedition count upon beginning. Note: The user can optionally add a number (ex. /bossbattle 1) to retroactively choose their participant. Usage: /bossbattle

/join Description: Joins a boss battle currently waiting for participants. Note: The user can optionally add a number (ex. /join 1) to retroactively choose their participant. Usage: /join

/leave Description: Leaves the boss battle if a user has joined using /join. If the user started the boss battle, this command cancels the boss battle. Usage: /leave

/begin Description: Starts the boss battle. Can only be used by the battle initiator when at least one user has joined. Uses one expedition count. Usage: /begin

Cryptid Commands /view [cryptid name] Description: Displays detailed information about a specific cryptid by name. Usage: /view Dragon

/viewc Description: Displays the player's collection of cryptids or detailed information about a specific cryptid in their collection. To view another user's collection or specific cryptid, use /viewc all @username or /viewc @username [cryptid name]. Usage: /viewc, /viewc Dragon, /viewc all @username, or /viewc @username Dragon

/upgrade [cryptid name | self] Description: Displays an upgrade menu. Use 'self' to upgrade player stats. Usage: /upgrade self or /upgrade Dragon

/feed [cryptid name] Description: Displays a feeding menu to feed cryptids fruit. Usage: /feed Dragon

/nickc [cryptid name] [nickname] Description: Sets or changes the nickname of a specific cryptid in the player's collection. Usage: /nickc Dragon Drago

/boostroll [cryptid name] Description: Rerolls the boost for a specific cryptid in the player's collection, consuming money. The first roll is free, and each cryptid has 6 rolls. Usage: /boostroll Dragon

/boostfight Description: Allows cryptids in the user's party to fight each other. The cryptid that wins the fight passes their boost to the cryptid that loses. Note: /boostfight [number] [number] can be used to retroactively choose both participants. Usage: /boostfight

/list [view] Description: Lists all cryptids with buttons for sorting by power, type, rarity, or income. Optional “view” displays images of the sorted cryptids. Usage: /list, /list view

/favorite [cryptid name] Description: Favorites one of the cryptids in the user’s collection for display on their profile. Usage: /favorite Dragon

/addp [cryptid name] Description: Adds a cryptid to the player's party. The player can have up to 5 cryptids in their party. Usage: /addp Dragon

/removep [cryptid name] Description: Removes a cryptid from the player's party. Usage: /removep Dragon

/viewp Description: Displays the player's current party and the boosts applied. To view another user's party, use /viewp @username. Usage: /viewp or /viewp @username

/top Description: Displays the most powerful cryptids in user's collections. /topa displays admin cryptids. Usage: /top or /topa

Administrative Commands (for admins) /addm [amount] Description: Adds a specified amount of money to the player's account. To add money to another user's account, use /addm @username [amount]. Usage: /addmoney 1000 or /addm @username 1000

/addfluid [amount] Description: Adds a specified amount of cryptid fluid to the player's account. This command requires administrator permissions. To add cryptid fluid to another user's account, use /addfluid @username [amount]. Usage: /addfluid 500 or /addfluid @username 500

/addfruit [type] [amount] Description: Adds a specified amount of a specific type of fruit (attack, defense, or health) to the player's account. This command requires administrator permissions. To add fruit to another user's account, use /addfruit @username [type] [amount]. Usage: /addfruit attack 10, /addfruit defense 5, /addfruit health 15, or /addfruit @username attack 10

/addc [cryptid name] Description: Adds a specified cryptid to the player's collection. This command requires administrator permissions. To add a cryptid to another user's collection, use /addc @username [cryptid name]. Usage: /addc Dragon or /addc @username Dragon

Ratings & Reviews


4 reviews

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3 months ago

It is interesting, looking forward to updates.



2 months ago

Awesome, waiting for new update!!



2 months ago

Very good bot with constant updates 🩷 love it



27 days ago

You literally can't do anything with this stupid bot unless you're spending real money, but they seem to be intentionally unclear about that from every angle. Additionally, the bot commands imply that you should receive rewards for voting for them here on top.gg, however the /votec command DOES NOT WORK. Everything about this bot is a frustrating bait and switch tactic and it will waste your time ...





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