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Experiment Container

Experiment Container




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A bot that can retrieve information and official and fan art images of the experiments from Disney's Lilo & Stitch franchise.

Experiment Container

Based on the Lilo & Stitch TV series and franchise.

"The Experiment Container used to be used to hold experiments. But now that all of the experiments have been set free, it's only remaining purpose is to provide information and images of the experiments."

This bot was originally made, and is still tailored to, the Experiment Island (/co/hana) Discord server (https://discord.gg/TjmuHjcJeF), but has been made public so others could enjoy it as well.

This is the reuploaded version of the Experiment Container (same code, different bot user). If you were told to watch Top.GG for a new version of the container bot, this is it!

The Experiment Container bot allows you to retrieve information about a specific experiment, display a random official image of any experiment you want, or display a random fan art image of any experiment you want. Official images are retrieved directly from the Lilo & Stitch wiki, and fan art images are retrieved either from E926 or from Furbooru.


All commands are prefixed by "container!" or by "c!". Slash commands are also supported.

Command Description
container!ping / container!p Responds with "pong". use this to check if the bot is working properly in your server.
container!help Displays the help menu.
container!experiment (name or number of experiment) / container!x (name or number of experiment) Retrieve information about the requested experiment.
container!expmedia (name or number of experiment) / container!xm (name or number of experiment) Retrieves a navigable list of media that the given experiment is in.
container!image (name or number of experiment(s)) / container!i (name or number of experiment(s)) Display a random official image that has the requested experiment(s) in it.

Example: "container!image stitch" or "container!i stitch" will display an random official image of stitch.
container!fanart (name or number of experiment(s)) / container!f (name or number of experiment(s)) Display a random fanart image that has the requested experiment(s) in it (may take a couple of seconds). Use the blacklist features in the admin help menu to block posts containing certain tags from showing up in this command.
container!quiz (quiz option here) / container!q (quiz option here) Test yourself to see how well you know the L&S franchise. See below for possible quiz options.
container!answer (quiz answer here) / container!a (quiz answer here) Give an answer to a running quiz in the channel (quiz must be running in the channel for this command to be useful).
container!helpadmin Prints a help menu for admins of the server.

Quiz Types:

Type Description
ispy Identify the experiments in the image.
guesswho Who is the experiment based on the primary function.
guesswhonum Who is the experiment based off of their number.
guesswhoname Give the number of the experiment given their name.
random Choose a random quiz type.

Admin Commands:

Command Description User Permissions Required
container!e926bl (E926 tag) Add or remove the specified tag from the E926 fanart tag blacklist for the server. Manage Server
container!fbbl (Furbooru tag) Add or remove the specified tag from the Furbooru fanart tag blacklist for the server. Manage Server
container!blist List all blacklisted tags for the server. Manage Server
container!eotd Run this command to subscribe the channel the command is ran in to the "Experiment Of The Day". At 12AM EST/EDT each day, a random experiment image and info will be sent to the subscribed channel. Subscription can be removed at any time by re-running this command. Manage Channels
container!toggle Run this command to toggle a feature of the bot to allow or disallow it in your server. For example, "container!toggle fanart" will toggle the ability to use the fanart command in your server. Manage Server

Extra notes on commands:

  • In place of a name or number, the word "random" can be used to get info or display an image of a random experiment.
  • (Only applies to fanart image commands): In place of a name or number, the word "oc" can be used to get an image of a fan-made character either from E926 or from Furbooru.
  • For image commands, multiple experiments can be given by separating them with a comma (ex. "container!i stitch, angel" - get an official image with both stitch and angel in it).
  • (Only applies to official image commands): When choosing a random official image to display, the bot only chooses from images that contain less than 8 experiments in them. If you would like the bot to include images with 8 or more experiments in them when choosing a random image to display, after listing the experiment(s) that you want to see an image of, add "-A" to the end to the list (this is mainly to reduce the number of Leroy battle images shown).
    Ex. "container!i stitch -A" - Display an image of stitch, including those images with 8 or more experiments. "container!i angel,stitch -A" - Display an image of stitch and angel, including those images with 8 or more experiments.
  • When using the fanart command, you can optionally specify "-E" or "-F" at the end of the command to request a fanart image from E926 or Furbooru respectively. If this option is not given, the site will be chosen randomly.
  • Also when using the fanart command, if you want a fanart image containing a certain number of characters in it, you can add "-C(character count here)" to the end of the command to have the bot retrieve fanart containing the specific number of characters you want (currently only supported for E926). Ex. -C4 = retrieve a fanart image with 4 characters in it.


  • Official images and information on the experiments were retrieved from the Lilo & Stitch wiki, and fan art images are retrieved from E926 or Furbooru. I do not control which random image is selected out of the available images from the image source, however, all of the images retrieved should be SFW. Additionally, fan art tags can be blocked using the blacklist features provided. If the bot retrieves an image that does not contain the requested experiment, or if the bot displays an inappropriate fan image that should have been blacklisted, then there is a problem with the tagging on either the Lilo & Stitch wiki, E926, or on Furbooru. If there is a problem with the information on a requested experiment, the Lilo & Stitch wiki would need to be updated and a message would need to be sent to the Experiment Container support channel to inform the admin about the updated info.
  • This bot is running on a small self-hosted server, so there are bound to be interruptions every once in a while. Please do not contact the support channel about a bot outage unless the bot has been out for a couple of hours and no status update has been posted in the support server.

I do not own any of the images displayed by the bot and do not own the Lilo & Stitch franchise or any of it characters.

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