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Music, tags, reminders, welcoming, and much more! Akiko is the only bot you need!

Akiko - Your All-in-One Discord Bot

Welcome to Akiko, your versatile Discord companion designed to enhance your server experience with a myriad of features. With over 200+ commands, Akiko ensures your Discord adventures are seamless and enjoyable.



  • birthday
    • get: Get someone's birthday
    • settings: Birthday settings commands.
    • remove: Remove the user's birthday from the database.
    • set: Set your birthday

Bump Reminder

  • bump
    • modify: Modify the bump reminder settings for a specific guild.
    • last: Show when the server was last bumped.
    • watch: Set up bump reminders for disboard.


  • chatchart: Generates a pie chart, representing the last 10000 messages in the specified channel.
  • serverchart: Generates a pie chart from the last 1000 messages in each allowed channel.
  • enlarge: Post a large .png of an emoji
  • chatrevive:
  • coinflip:
  • pp: See how much someone is packing :flushed:
  • ship
    • thing: Combine names of 2 things
    • user: Combine usernames of 2 people
  • actions
    • hack: Hack a user, totally real and legit
    • tickle: Tickle people
    • comment:
    • kill: Kill someone
    • nitro: Free nitro!!
    • eject:
    • hug: Hug people
    • kiss: Kiss people
    • wasted:
    • slap: Slap people
    • pat: Pat people
    • joke:
    • owoify: Owoify any message
    • why: why
    • fact: Get a random fact
    • smug: Look smug
    • insult: Get a random insult
    • eightball: Ask 8ball
  • pressf: Pay respects by pressing F
  • rate: Rates what you want
  • hotcalc: Returns a random percent for how hot is a discord user
  • howgay: Tells you how gay a user is lol.
  • sus: Tells you how sus someone is
  • simp: Tells you if a user is a simp lol.
  • horny: Tells you how horny someone is :flushed:
  • image
    • captcha: Generate a captcha image.
    • drake: Generate a drake meme image.
    • phub: Generate a phub comment image.
    • supreme: Generate a supreme image.
    • calling: Generate a calling meme image.
    • achievement: Generate a Minecraft achievement image
    • challenge: Generate a Minecraft challenge image


  • weather: Get weather data for a location
  • vote: Vote for the bot
  • invite: Get an invite to the bot
  • stats: Get some information about the bot
  • ping: Ping the bot
  • say: Speak through the bot uwu
  • rules: Embedded rules command for sending or updating server rules in an embed.
  • embedsay: Embedded say command for neatly formatted text walls
  • policy: Privacy Policy
  • profile: Show your user profile
  • bots: Displays our music bots and their invite links.
  • bio: Set your profile bio
  • opt
    • out: Opt out of the bot's message history fetching
    • in: Opt in to the bot's message history fetching
  • timestamp: Displays given time in all Discord timestamp formats.
  • alert: Read the latest alert
  • archived_alerts: Archived alerts.


  • toggle: Toggle commands in your server to be enabled/disabled
  • deleterole: Delete a role from the server.
  • perms: Tells you what permissions the bot has.
  • nickname: Nicknames a user from the current server.
  • toggleslow: Toggles slow mode in the chat channel or for all channels in the guild.
  • hoist: Changes users names that are hoisting themselves (Ignores Bots)
  • reset_names: Tries to reset all members nicknames in the current server (Ignores bots)
  • bans: Shows the servers bans with the ban reason
  • banreason: Shows the ban reason for a user in the current server
  • massban: Bans multiple members from the guild.
  • unban: Unbans a member from the server.
  • unbanall: Unbans everyone from the server.
  • softban: Soft bans a member from the server.
  • stealemoji:
  • channel
    • edit: Edit a channel
    • create: Create a channel
    • rename: Rename a channel
    • delete: Delete a channel
  • autoresponder
    • set: Configure auto responder for the guild.
    • view: View current auto responder settings.
    • edit: Edit existing auto responder for the guild.
    • remove: Remove auto responder for the guild.
  • autorole
    • view_settings: View the current auto role settings.
    • set: Set up or update auto roles for new members.
  • welcomer
    • help:
    • setup: Setup a welcome/leave system in the server! See /welcomer help for more info.
    • settings:
    • edit: Edit a welcome/leave impl in the server. See /welcomer help for more info.
    • disable: Disable the welcome/leave messages from Akiko
  • sticky_roles
    • config: Configure sticky roles or view current settings.
    • remove_role: Removes a role from the list of sticky roles in the guild.
    • add_role: Adds multiple roles to the list of sticky roles in the guild.
    • unstickymember: Removes a member from the list of members with sticky roles.
    • stickymember: Adds a member to the list of members with sticky roles.
  • role
    • create: Creates a role with the given name, permissions, hoistable, mentionable, and color.
    • add: Adds a role to a user.
    • edit: Edit any role to add new permissions, make it hoisted, mentionable, and a new color
    • remove: Removes a role from a user.
    • delete: Deletes a role
  • stfu: Make someone shut up. It deletes any and all messages sent from the user in the current server.
  • nuke: Deletes a channel and clones it for you to quickly delete all the messages inside of it.
  • mute: Mute someone for a certain amount of time, from 10 seconds to 28 days.
  • unmute: Unmute someone
  • purge: Purges messages based on specified criteria.


  • music
    • filter: Set a filter on the incoming audio. Empty or "reset" will reset the filters.
    • speed: Speed up the player.
    • loop: Loop the current song or the entire queue.
    • shuffle: Shuffle the queue.
    • queue: Show queued songs.
    • playlist: Playlist commands!
    • pause: Pause the currently playing song, if any.
    • ff: Fast forward your song.
    • playing: Show currently playing song.
    • resume: Resume the previously paused song, if any.
    • rewind: Rewind your song.
    • volume: Set the volume for your music.
    • play: Play a song with the given search query.
    • skip: Skips currently playing song and plays the next song in the queue.
    • disconnect: Disconnect the bot from the voice channel it is currently in.


  • reminder
    • remove: Remove a specific reminder by its ID.
    • clear: Remove all your reminders
    • list: Shows a list of your current reminders.

Discord Commands

  • watchlist
    • add: Add a show to the watchlist.
    • list: List shows in the watchlist for the user.
    • remove: Remove shows from the watchlist.
  • listemoji: Lists all available emojis in a server, perfect for an emoji channel
  • snipe: Snipe the last deleted message.
  • multisnipe: Get the last 5 snipe messages.
  • multieditsnipe: Get the last 5 editsnipe messages.
  • editsnipe: Snipe the last edited message.
  • avatar: Get anyones avatar within Discord.
  • roles: Get all roles in current server
  • joinedat: Check when a user joined the current server.
  • tag
    • list: Lists all tags in the server
    • claim: Claim a tag
    • delete: Delete a tag that you own
    • search: Search for a tag, you can provide partial names and a list of possibilities will be returned
    • show: Show a tag
    • raw: Returns a tag without markdown
    • create: Create a tag
    • edit: Edit a tag that you own
    • info: Provides information about a tag
  • mods: Check which mods are in the current guild
  • firstmessage: Provide a link to the first message in current or provided channel.
  • color
    • me: Give yourself a color
    • stats: Shows how many users have each color role.
    • remove-all: Remove all color roles that I have made from /color create-all.
    • toggle: Opt in/out of color roles for your server. (Disable/Enable color role creation)
    • list: Tells you all the colors you can give yourself.
  • icon: Get the current server icon
  • banner: Get the current banner image
  • roleinfo: Get information about a role
  • translate: Translates messages to English using Google Translate
  • afk: Set your AFK status.
  • serverinfo: Check info about current server
  • userinfo: Gather information about a user
  • hex: Generates a picture for a given color code
  • channel-counting
    • set: Setup a counting channel.
    • edit: Edit an existing counting channel.
    • remove: Remove the counting channel
    • info: Get information about the counting channel
    • reset: Reset a counter channel. This is inreversible!
  • logging
    • enable: enable logging for a specific event.
    • config: Configure logging for a specific event.
    • disable-all: Disable logging for all events. With confirmation.
    • disable: Disable logging for a specific event.
    • info: Get information about the logging channels.

Ratings & Reviews


9 reviews

Reviews can be left only by registered users. All reviews are moderated by Top.gg moderators. Please make sure to check our guidelines before posting.

5 stars


4 stars


3 stars


2 stars


1 star



5 months ago

interaction with dev was lowkey autistic😍😍



2 months ago

The owner is amazing! He has helped me a lot as a server owner. I absolutely love akiko as well! A very well done aesthetic bot! 10/10 will recommend to others💕



9 months ago

Good bot. Very chill maintainer ;-)



7 months ago

what a cool bot 5 star



about 2 months ago

The only reason yall use this bot is for the nsfw commands



about 2 months ago

Amazing bot did 100% what I wanted and needed a Bot for. EDIT: Bot will play the first song in playlist then either before or just as the next song plays it says error and disconnects, tried finding a support server but all links are invalid. Edit 2: Youtube is being a pain in the butt causing the bot to have issues, not the Bots fault. (edited)



23 days ago

Good bot, the birthday system is nice. Autoroles, bump reminders, autoposting, all nice.




/ or ;;



Server Count












    English (EN)


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Lunar Development