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Albion Guild Manager

Albion Guild Manager




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Streamline your guild management in Albion Online with Albion Online AIO – automate tasks, track activities, and optimize your guild effortl

Albion Guild Manager

The ultimate bot to manage your GUILD efficiently in Albion Online. It automates various tasks to help streamline your guild management processes. With its user-friendly commands and powerful features, you can easily manage guild members, track guild activities, and ensure your guild operates smoothly. Designed specifically for Albion Online players, this bot integrates seamlessly with the game to provide real-time data and updates, making guild management effortless and more enjoyable.

Key Features:

Automatic Guild Member Registration:

Seamlessly register new guild members with the /register command.

Members' details are verified and stored, ensuring up-to-date records.

Auto Purge of Members:

Automatically removes roles from members who leave the guild.

Regularly checks for member status updates to ensure the guild roster is current.

Guild Management Commands:

/setup config: Configure the bot settings for the guild.

/setup lang: Change the bot's language settings for the guild.

/setup check_unregistered: Check which game members are not registered with the bot.

/setup regear: Configure channels for regear logs.

/setup show: Show saved configuration settings for the guild.

/setup server: Set the server configuration (West, East, Europe).

/setup utc: Set the UTC configuration for the guild.

/add-guild: Add new guilds to the bot's management list.

/edit-guild: Edit existing guild information.

/remove-guild: Remove guilds from the management list.

/list-guild: List all guilds managed by the bot.

/add-blacklist: Add players to the blacklist with reasons.

/remove-blacklist: Remove players from the blacklist with reasons.

/check-blacklist: Check if a player is on the blacklist.

/list-blacklist: List all blacklisted players.

/clear-blacklist: Clear the entire blacklist.

/add-permission: Grant specific Discord command permissions to roles.

/remove-permission: Revoke specific Discord command permissions from roles.

/check-permission: List all commands a role has permissions for.

/regear: Manage regear requests and distributions.

/price: Fetch and display current market prices for specific items.

Event and Template Management:

Follow these steps to manage events and templates using the Albion Guild Manager bot:

  1. Create an Event: Use the /event create command to create an event based on a template. Provide the event name, start time, title, description, and log channel.
  2. Create Event Image

    Event Name: The name of the event template to be used.

    Start Time: The date and time when the event will start (Format: DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM).

    Log Channel: The channel where the event logs will be posted.

  3. Edit an Event: To modify an existing event, use the /event edit_ping command. You can change the title, description, or start time of the event.
  4. Edit Event Image
  5. Manage Event Pings: Use the /event reopen_ping command to reopen a closed ping with a new start time. Use /event close_ping to close an open ping for a specified event.
  6. Manage Pings Image

    Reopen Ping: Use this command to reopen a closed event and set a new start time.

    Close Ping: Use this command to close an open event.

  7. Create and Manage Templates: Use the /event template_create command to create a new template. You can edit or delete templates using /event template_edit and /event template_delete respectively.
  8. Manage Templates Image

    Create Template: Define the event name, title, description, and log channel for the template.

    Edit Template: Modify the details of an existing template.

    Delete Template: Remove a template if it is no longer needed.

  9. Export and Import Templates: Use the /event template_export command to export a template. Import templates using the /event template_import command.
  10. Export Import Template Image
  11. Start Using the Event and Template Commands: Your bot is now configured to manage events and templates. Explore the various commands to organize and manage events effectively within your guild.

Balance Management:

Manage the balance between guild members.

Automatically calculate and display the balance status of guild members.

Upcoming Features:

Killboard: Display recent kills and deaths.

Exp Voice Channel: Experience tracking in voice channels.

Giveaways: Organize and manage giveaways.

Send Message with Time: Schedule messages to be sent at specific times.

Tickets: Create and manage support tickets.

Auto Purge Message: Automatically delete specific messages.

Dashboard: Centralized interface to manage all bot functionalities.

Technical Details:

Language: The bot operates in multiple languages including English, Portuguese (PT-BR), and Spanish (ES).

Integration: Utilizes the Albion Online API to fetch real-time data.

Additional Notes:

Security: Implements security measures to handle sensitive operations and data securely.

Scalability: Designed to be scalable to accommodate multiple guilds and a large number of members.

Why Choose Us?

Albion Guild Manager stands out for its ability to provide detailed and up-to-date information, allowing players to make informed decisions on how to manage their guilds efficiently and effectively. With an intuitive interface and powerful features, our bot is the perfect tool to optimize guild management experience, whether for seasoned leaders or new administrators.


Follow these steps to install the Albion Guild Manager bot on your server:

  1. Invite the Bot: Click on the invitation link provided to invite the bot to your Discord server.
  2. Albion Guild Manager Image
  3. Configure the Bot: Use the /setup config command to open the bot configuration panel and adjust the settings as needed.
  4. Albion Guild Manager Image

    Remove Perms on Leave: Remove roles when the member leaves the guild.

    Edit Name on Registration: Set the nickname and guild tag for the member.

    Remove All Tags Before Adding the New One: When the member already has some roles, the bot removes these roles during registration and leaves only the new role.

  5. Configure Your Server: Use the /setup server command to configure the server where you play. This will allow the bot to manage guild-specific tasks.
  6. Albion Guild Manager Image
  7. Register Your Guild: Use the /add-guild command to register your guild with the bot. This will allow the bot to manage guild-specific tasks.
  8. Albion Guild Manager Image

    What is the Guild Name to Add: The name of the guild that you want the bot to manage.

    Guild Tag: The tag of the guild.

    ID of the Role You Want to Use: The Discord role ID that members receive upon registration.

  9. Start Using the Bot: Your bot is now configured and ready to use. Explore the various commands available to automate your guild management processes and enhance your guild's performance in Albion Online.


How to register a new guild member?

Simply type /register and follow the instructions to register a new guild member. The bot will automatically verify and store the necessary information.

How to automatically remove a guild member?

The bot automatically removes roles from members who leave the guild. No manual action is needed.

How to configure the bot for my guild?

Use the /setup config command to open the bot configuration panel and adjust the settings as needed.

How to add, edit, or remove guilds from the management list?

Use the commands /add-guild, /edit-guild, and /remove-guild to manage the guilds that the bot should administer.

How to check market prices?

Use the /price command to fetch current market prices for specific items.

How to blacklist a player?

Use the /add-blacklist command to add a player to the blacklist, specifying a reason for blacklisting.

How to check if a player is blacklisted?

Use the /check-blacklist command to verify if a player is on the blacklist.

If a member leaves the guild and joins another allowed guild, will they lose their tags?

When a member leaves the guild, the bot will immediately remove all tags. If they quickly join another allowed guild and use the /register command, the bot will update their nickname. The /register command not only registers new members but also updates the nickname for existing members if the relevant option is enabled in the setup.

Discover the best tools to manage your guild in Albion Online, save time, and enhance your gaming experience. If you enjoy using the bot, please consider voting for it to show your support and help us improve.

Ratings & Reviews


36 reviews

Reviews can be left only by registered users. All reviews are moderated by Top.gg moderators. Please make sure to check our guidelines before posting.

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1 star



3 months ago

Awesome, I'm using this bot on my guild's discord. everything is working



3 months ago

O Bot é muito top, eu entrei em uma guilda que usa ele e o meu registro foi muito rápido (Amazing Bot, congratulations)



3 months ago

Ótimo Bot de registro para uma guilda, comando simples de usar e tempo de resposta rápido, recomendo.



3 months ago

Great bot, I joined a guild and registered with it super quickly and easily, I highly recommend it (edited)



3 months ago

The bot works perfectly, it's way faster than most of the bots that is used on the guilds and its very functional on the register-logs, congrats



3 months ago

O Bot é muito bom e ajuda bastante na otimização do tempo.



3 months ago

Extremamente prático e muito útil, um ótimo trabalho na criação do bot. :D



3 months ago

O Bot é muito top, eu entrei em uma guilda que usa ele e o meu registro foi muito rápido



3 months ago

Bot utilizado na guild em que faço parte, muito bom estão de parabens



3 months ago

Muito bom esse bot



















    English (EN)

    Spanish (ES)

    Portuguese (PT)


